Jehison Alirio Herrera Pulido

Discipline: Natural Sciences Research

Institution: University of Sherbrooke



I am a PhD student in cell biology at the University of Sherbrooke, under the supervision of Professor François Boudreau. I completed my undergraduate studies in biology at the Universidad Francisco José de Caldas in Colombia and then completed my master's studies in human genetics at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, under the supervision of Dr. Martha Lucía Serrano. During this time I became interested in the influence of epigenetics on the expression of the wild type KRAS gene in patients diagnosed with sporadic colorectal cancer. In parallel, I worked for seven years at the National Cancer Institute in the Terry Fox National Tumor Bank. I am currently interested in the interaction between the HNF4a protein, particularly its isoform 2 and the SIRT1 protein, in intestinal epithelial cells derived from human colon carcinoma. In the future, I would like to complement my knowledge of the intestine by studying the influence of the microbiome in the pathogenesis of some diseases, particularly cancer.