Alberto Caminero

Discipline: Biomedical Research

Institution: McMaster University



My name is Alberto Caminero and I am an early career investigator at McMaster University (Canada). I am an Assistant Professor at the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine in McMaster University, and a Member of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Institute. I was born and raised in Leon (Spain), where I also did my PhD in microbiology at the University of Leon. I moved to Canada in 2014 to continue my postdoctoral training under the supervision of Dr Elena Verdu. Here I completed my training in gnotobiotic and mouse models of food sensitivity. I transferred to a faculty position at McMaster University in 2019 with the inaugural Douglas Chair for Gastrointestinal research. My research program focuses on diet-microbiota interactions of relevance in inflammatory bowel disease and food allergy. I firmly believe in the role of microbes in the onset and course of these diseases and exploiting the metabolic capacity of our gut microbiome could help us to treat and prevent them in the future. Out of the lab, I am passionate about sport and specially soccer and FC Barcelona :)