Experiental Learning Opportunity

Experiential learning placements (ELPs) are a powerful tool for supporting career development by immersing graduate students and research fellows in environments where they build career-focused networks, skills, knowledge, self-understanding, and confidence.

TRIANGLE ELPs provide opportunities for graduate students and fellows to build skills and knowledge that cannot be acquired at their home institution and/ or provide diverse biomedical research career experiences beyond academia.

For more information on the ELP program, please review the ELP Brochure.

Applicant: This award is open to all TRIANGLE doctoral and postdoctoral awardees.

Location: The award must be held at a Canadian Institution or Company.

Research: All applications must focus on career trajectories in gastrointestinal (GI) or liver.

Timing: TRIANGLE awards may apply any time during their 3 years of support.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: $3500 travel and expenses.

Please note, funding for this award will require:

  1. A Mid term report – https://surveys.sickkids.ca/surveys/?s=C7R7YCRKHJYT3L7R
  2. Post Placement Report – https://surveys.sickkids.ca/surveys/?s=X7RT8N3KTDP7YTLY

Deadline to apply: Not Applicable. These are rolling applications no fixed deadline for applications, TRIANGLE Awardees can apply at any time as long as you are eligible.

When you are ready to submit your application click on the “APPLY NOW” button on our website to complete the online form. You will be asked to enter or upload each of the following documents so please have them ready to go.

  1. ELP Name/Title
  2. Host Organization: Please list the name of the organization that will be hosting you for this ELP opportunity.
  3. Location: City, Province/State, Country
  4. Host Name: Please list the name of the person that will be hosting you for this ELP opportunity.
  5. Placement Start Date
  6. Placement End Date
  7. What do you hope to learn during your placement and what is your plan for learning it? 150 words max.
  8. How will the placement contribute to your current research project and/or future career, with an emphasis on patient impact? 150 words max.
  9. How will you share your learning with other researchers when you return? 150 words max.
  10. How will your visit contribute to the knowledge and/or research of the faculty and/or organization that will be hosting you? 150 words max.
  11. BUDGET: Please include a budget for this opportunity ($3500 max). This can include transportation (flights, car rentals, taxis, etc.), accommodation, food, child care, etc. We aim to be as flexible as possible with allowable expenses and have covered, for example, child care and travel for support people to enable awardees to pursue an ELP. TRIANGLE provides up to $3,500 in funding for each experiential learning placement. As an awardee, we will support you for 1 placement.
Applications Open Always
Deadline to apply Rolling
Review of applications 1 month
Notice of funding results 4 weeks post-submission
  1. The Program Manager will receive an autogenerated message when an application has been submitted
  2. The Program Manager will review the application to ensure the candidate meets all the eligibility requirements.
  3. If yes, the Program Manager will send the complete application to the ELP committee chair and co-chair for final approval.
  4. ELP Committee Chair and Co-Chair will approve or decline the application.
  5. The Program Manager will inform the awardee of the outcome via email.
  6. This process should be completed within 4 weeks
  7. Awardees who receive funding for an ELP are required to complete:
Program Supporters
TRIANGLE would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the following benefactors for their generous support of our Program.