Leadership and mentorship are key components of the TRIANGLE program.
Effective mentorship is foundational to future career success, within and outside of academia. TRIANGLE awardees will have access to multiple forms of mentorship from our partnering organizations along with GI and liver researchers who are now pursuing successful careers in many areas of academia, industry, government, non-profit, and entrepreneurship. To review a list of TRIANGLE mentors, please visit the Mentorship Committee page.
TRIANGLE will bring together groups of mentors and mentees in pods to discuss specific topics via a case-based, open dialogue approach.
The mentoring pods will be run by a multidisciplinary team of outstanding mentors as program leaders and members of the TRIANGLE Executive, Curriculum, and Selection Committees. Mentoring will be provided by these leaders, as well as through peer-to-peer mentoring within pods. There are many advantages of mentoring pods. Participants:
For mentors, pods better enable them to share knowledge and engender a diversity of opinion, expertise and relationship building that can better serve the mentees throughout their training.