Dr. Catharine Walsh, MD, MEd, PhD, FAAP, FRCPC is a staff gastroenterologist in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, an Educational Researcher in the Learning Institute and a Scientist at SickKids Research Institute in Toronto, Canada. She is also a Scientist at the Wilson Centre for research in education. Dr. Walsh received her medical degree from University of Toronto. She subsequently pursued residency training in Paediatrics and a fellowship in Paediatric Gastroenterology at SickKids. Dr. Walsh also completed a Master of Education and a PhD in health professions education at University of Toronto, in conjunction with a research fellowship at the Wilson Centre. Her program of research focuses on examining factors that influence the acquisition of complex clinical skills and on identifying best practices in the training and assessment of clinical skills, including methods of optimizing learning within simulation-based environments.